When I was little I had a tamagotchi dinosaur I named Dino and I could never seem to keep him alive for more than a week. I was feeling very nostalgic so I went on ebay to see if I could order one again just to relive my childhood memories and HOLY SHIT, I cannot believe how much they are selling for. Price ranges from $20-$200! I really wanted the original Bandai tamagotchi because I had never owned one before. I've always had the knockoffs like giga pets or nano pets lol.
I ended up searching ebay for a week and although I was unable to get an original Bandai, I was fortunate enough to come across the same exact tamagotchi I owned as a kid. Ended up buying it. It was pretty cheap, the only problem was the instructions were in Chinese, so I had a bit of an issue trying to take care of it the first couple days. Once I asked people for help on translating some of the instructions on Yahoo Answers I was able to figure out the rest on my own. I love it. Here are a couple pics I took:
My first package from Hong Kong |
Cuteness! |
I could not get over how cute the packaging looked, I ended up saving it lol. When I tried to reset the tamagotchi the battery was already dead so I had to go out and buy new ones. They usually just take watch batteries, so they weren't too hard to find. My only issue was that the tiny screws on the back of the toy were a BITCH to take out. I just did not have a small enough screw driver, so I ended up using a kitchen knife. Other than that, the toy works perfectly! Gotta love tamagotchis. ^__^