Monday, July 25, 2011

My Husband Checks Out Other Women

I talked about all the positive things about my husband in a previous post. Well, now I will talk about one of his many flaws that I hate and it annoys the HELL out of me. While he would never cheat, he does tend to have the wandering eye. I call him out on it when I catch him checking out another woman, and he apologizes and tells me that it's a habit that he's trying to break. Apparently he got it from his dad, who I remember did it quite openly when I first met him.

Anyway, it's one of the many supposedly trivial things we argue over, but I know that I'm not the only woman who gets upset when she is walking with her significant other, and a very attractive woman happens to walk by and he blatantly turns his head to check out her ass. It really just irks me and makes me want to scream, especially when the other woman notices too and has the nerve to cast me a pity glance.

It makes me mad writing about it right now. I don't even know who to be mad at more, the dumb bitch who feels sorry for me or my husband, who cannot keep his fucking eyes on me. I've been trying to break this habit ever since we first started dating, and he's improved somewhat, but still has a long way to go. It's like training a dog. What's funny is, my husband is an ass man, and sometimes I don't understand why we ever ended up together because I'm definitely not blessed in that department. Anyway, that's my little bitch fit today, hope you enjoyed it.