Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Update On P90X

I'm on day 15 of P90X. So far it's still challenging me. I find the first DVD to be the most difficult since I can't do a pull up to save my life. However, I feel like I'm slowly making progress. My arms definitely feel a little more stronger than the first week I started, but I still don't quite see any definition in my stomach. -Sad face-

Ah well. I heard that you don't really see apparent results until around day 40 or 60, so I wasn't expecting a drastic change right away. Right now I'm back in Colorado spending time with my family so I that's why I haven't updated in over a week.

I thought I'd go ahead and post a picture of what my P90X body looks like on day 14. I know I was going to wait until August, but I decided meh, that's too long a wait lol. I'll still post before and after pics at the end, but I'm going to post progress pics as well. So here we go. Day 14: