Monday, April 25, 2011

Dining At the Broadmoor Hotel

I meant to blog about this a long time ago, but I'm just now getting around to it, sorry. So back in January while I was visiting home in Colorado I received a gift card from my aunt to eat at the one of the fancy smancy restaurants at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs. My mom, sister, and I ate at the Lake Terrace Dining Room for brunch. It was one of the most expensive meals I've ever eaten in my entire life lol. As for recommending it to others who are thinking of eating there for a special occasion, I wouldn't say it's the best choice, but if you do have the money for the nice atmosphere and a buffet that features over 100 items to choose from while a live grand piano plays in the background, I suppose it's worth forking up $125 lol. Keep in mind that's for three people. The food was okay. Presentation of the food and the experience of dining at a five star hotel was probably the best part of the whole meal, but I don't plan on going back again, only because I'm a rather cheap person and think I could find a restaurant just as nice that charges a fraction of the total cost. Anyway, here are some pictures from the Broadmoor. These were taken mid January of 2011:

As you can see from the pictures, the food does look quite nice, I'm actually getting hungry again lol. The Broadmoor is a very lovely place to visit, so if you're a local or happen to be in the area you should at least stop by for the beautiful scenery. :)