Friday, April 15, 2011

When My Husband Gets Hit On By Other Women

It didn't bother me at first. I was quite flattered that women find my husband attractive, but then after a while it became annoying to the point that I've wanted to say something to them. Before my husband entered the Air Force, he was a little on the chubby side, still handsome, and had that whole country boy look. He's not into fashion. White t-shirt and jeans is usually what he prefers to wear because he loves being around animals and working on cars. His best feature (to me at least) is his ass. Pardon my French. He has got the most voluptuous behind I've ever seen on a man, and it is quite....grab worthy.

Anyway, I got sidetracked lol.....back to what I was saying. After he finished basic training, he lost a lot of weight. He was a lot leaner, his arms and legs became sculpted, and the love handles disappeared. He looked like his head was pasted on a different man's body. Since then, it's seemed to attract a new breed of women. The kind that don't seem to care that he's already taken and yet still try to lure him in. I remember the first time it made me mad was when David was at tech school. We were still dating at the time, and one particular woman asked him if he was interested in having sex with her and instead of being like those typical what-my-girlfriend-doesn't-know-won't-hurt-her  bastards in the military, he said, "I have a girlfriend already who I love." You think it would've stopped there, but then she asks, "How much do you love her?"as if trying to be coy. The more she would try to coax him, the more he would talk about me and how wonderful I was and that he'd never want to lose me.

At least that's what he told me he said lol.

Honestly, I know David wouldn't cheat, but I was still fuming over how persistent that bitch was. Eventually she finally gave up and went and slept with his friend. Other than that one incident, most of the women that have hit on him have backed off upon finding out his relationship status. Granted, my husband does have his flaws, which I have yet to discuss in future posts, but he definitely knows where to draw the line. And I love him for it.